About me

I am currently based in Seattle, Washington, United States, where I moved in 2012 after graduating from the University of Michigan.

In my professional life as a software engineer, I am passionate about building intuitive user interfaces and developer tools, focusing mainly on web applications. I currently work as a Senior Software Engineer at Deepgram, with previous experience at Snowflake, Tableau, and Amazon. I also enjoy helping people learn to code, and in the past I have served as a volunteer teacher with TEALS, teaching AP Computer Science. For more about my professional activities, visit my LinkedIn profile.

As a pianist for over 30 years, I believe that the arts are an indispensable part of life. I regularly perform, arrange, and jam in varied genres including classical, jazz, musical theatre, and video game music. See some of my classical performances here. I also teach private music lessons to curious adults.

When I'm not in front of a keyboard, I can be found cooking for friends, solving the daily NYT crossword puzzle, drinking tea, or riding my bicycle all over the Seattle area.

Andrew in front of a Swiss high-speed train locomotive